YouTube Channel: “Interview with Lucifer”
Moderator: Lucifer, in the flesh. Do you know how many journalists would
kill… right, you probably do. First, I want to say thank you to
agreeing to this interview because I know you are a very, very
busy person.
Lucifer: Yes. I usually like to fly under the radar, but I figured since I’m
already on the campaign trail, why not.
Moderator: Okay, first, let’s talk about your reign. Now, you’ve had a fairly
long one. What would you attribute to your success and
Lucifer: Oh, that’s easy. Every generation is the same. I appeal to their
lust and ego. I offer all the sex, wealth and fame a person could
want. “Do as thou wilt” has been my campaign slogan from the
start. And, my campaign platform hasn’t changed either. I run on
the same three issues every generation: lust of the flesh, lust of
the eyes and pride of life.
Moderator: Okay, okay. When you say, lust of the flesh, what exactly do you
Lucifer: Come on, now, what do I mean? Isn’t it obvious? I just use
human’s own innate physical desires against them. And, since
sexual desire seems to be the most powerful, I usually run with
that. Now, I didn’t create sex, but I must say, I’ve done a superb
job of perverting it. Take pornography for example, well, you
should know a lot about this one, Ivan, weren’t you addicted to
Moderator: Um, this interview is about you, not about me. Can we get back
on subject.
Lucifer: Now, where was I? Oh ya. What I do is gradually get someone
addicted to porn. And, once lust has had its full work, and he
and she can no longer restrain themselves. They usually look to
act out their fantasies on someone. And, sometimes, that
someone is a child. Now, my plan plays out perfectly. That
abused child will eventually turn to a life of promiscuity and
perversion themselves, allowing me to continue my vicious
cycle. And, here’s the kicker, many of those abused girls end up
right in the porn industry. Now, how’s that for irony?
Moderator: The second thing you had mentioned, I believe, was that lust of
the flesh, lust of the eyes. Can you elaborate?
Lucifer: Humans are never satisfied. They always crave more. Bigger
house, bigger car, more money, more power, the list goes on
and on. I just take their natural ambitious desire, pervert it, and
use it against them for their own destruction. My plan is to allow
them to never be content. As long as I can keep them craving
what others have, I can depend on them to argue, fight, even kill
to get it. Humans are so easily tricked with jealousy. And, you
know what they say, jealousy is as cruel as the grave.
Moderator: Yes, I have heard that before. The last thing that you had
mentioned, was, I believe, pride of life. Now, how does this fit
into your campaign platform?
Lucifer: Humans are always on a quest for knowledge. I tricked the first
humans to seek carnal knowledge of the God of wisdom and it’s
worked like a charm with every generation since. With more
knowledge, comes more pride. And, you know, pride is my
specialty. And, since humans don’t like to keep God in their
wisdom, I’m able to seduce them with all types of things to help
puff up their ego. Lately, fame has been my biggest seller. Who
doesn’t like attention. Feeling more important than the next
person. Once I make them famous, I can really use them to
promote my agenda. With their help, I convinced half of the
world to not only accept sin, but to celebrate it. Do you know
what’s been my most enjoyable pride campaign to date?
Moderator: No, what?
Lucifer: Well, my “Gay Pride Campaign” of course. Not only do I get the
chance to promote your own self destruction, I get to use God’s
logo, the rainbow, to do it. Love is love, right? My plan not only
prevents you worthless humans from reproducing, it destroys
the gender roles and allows me to bring all types of chaos and
confusion upon your pathetic societies. It’s been so successful,
I’ve got men convinced they’re women and women convinced
they’re men. And, some convinced they’re no gender at all. And,
I’ve got two more pride initiative campaigns I’d like to introduce
in the near future.
Moderator: Really. I’m guessing you probably want me to ask you what they
are, right?
Lucifer: First, it’s “Abortion Pride.” Now, I think we can pull this off.
Society is definitely ready for it. I’ll enlist the help of Planned
Parenthood to work with marketing and promotions. Then, all
we’ll have to do is silence the so called abolitionism, Pro-Lifers,
because the rest of the church doesn’t seem to care. And,
second, is “Pedophilia Pride.” Now, society might not be ready
for this one just yet, so we’ll hold off. I need to desensitize them a
little more before we introduce it.
Moderator: Okay, let’s change gears for a minute. Let’s talk about policy.
Some may consider your policies destructive. Dangerous even.
What would be your response to that? What would you say to
your detractors?
Lucifer: All of my policies are aimed to do one of three things. Either
steal, kill or destroy. And, if it’s not doing one or all three of those
things, then, it’s not in my agenda and I’m not promoting it.
Moderator: Okay, okay. Now that you’ve said that, it seems as if you promote
your agenda differently to different ethnicities. If so, why?
Lucifer: Of course. I’d be a fool not to. Take Black people for instance. As
a people, they’re super spiritual so I can’t really convince them
that there is no God. But, I have been able to do, as of late, is
convince them that He’s not the God of the Bible. Now, I’ve been
real successful at promoting Black consciousness and Islam in
their communities.
Moderator: I’m so happy you mentioned Black people. It seems as if we’ve
been at the very top of your agenda for quite some time. Why is
Lucifer: For a few reasons. Black people help me reach the masses.
Now, as you know, I was over music in Heaven. My beats were
so dope, I got over a third of the angels to follow. And, once I got
here to the earth, I needed artists and entertainers to help me
promote my message here. Who better than Black people. Black
people possess all the natural rhythm and music ability that I
need. And, it’s easy for me to influence them with money, since
so many of them grew up without it. Another reason I target
Black people is because they’re strong mentally and physically. If
Black men would ever find their identity in Christ, I’d be in
trouble. So, I try my best to destroy the Black family structure
and keep Black men away from his family and the church. Drugs
and incarceration are a couple of my more popular means.
Without the head of the household present, I can become the
head and influence the children without too much resistance.
Moderator: So, you mean to tell me that your policies are intentionally racist
against Black people?
Lucifer: Racist? This has got to be the best lot I ever came up with. Now,
I can’t believe that humans still believe they’re different races.
But, to answer your question, yes. It has always been my policy
to target and isolate a group of people. And, out of all my
strategies, the skin color thing has worked the best. I definitely
want to keep White people and Black people separated. As long
as I can keep Black people bitter and White people offended, I’m
good. Hopefully, Black people would never forgive. That way, I
can continue to use them.
Moderator: Okay, my question is, what role, if any, does your administration
play in this Black on Black crime epidemic?
Lucifer: Well, as great as my administration is, we can’t take all the credit
for this. Black people help us tremendously. By aborting so many
of their babies, they allow us to bring death to their communities.
As the Bible says, they sow the wind and reap a whirlwind.
Moderator: When you implement all of these policies, do you ever face any
resistance or push back? And, if so, who?
Lucifer: One group in particular try to oppose every policy I try to
implement. I would be so much further along in my agenda if it
weren’t for them.
Moderator: Really. So what group is that?
Lucifer: Those pesky, born again, Jesus followers. They’re a real thorn in
my side. Every generation, they come together and try to
dismantle one of my signature causes. Now, I’ve convinced half
of the world that Jesus didn’t exist and the other half that He
wasn’t Divine. But, I can’t seem to convince them. They seem
Hell-bent on telling everybody about Him and spreading His
message. And, some even believe that He’s coming to unseat me in
this generation. Crazy, huh? I tell ya, those idiots are really messing
with my legacy.
Moderator: So, Lucifer, how does that make you feel when us idiots say that
Jesus possibly could be coming back in this generation to unseat
Lucifer: You all have been saying that for centuries. I’ll just use it as
motivation to get as much of my agenda pushed through and
deceive as many people as possible before He returns. I think I’ve
done pretty well. My record speaks for itself. About 150,000 people
die each day and most of them don’t know Jesus.
Moderator: A hundred and fifty thousand people. Well, you know what, this
concludes our interview. I want to say thank you for an open,
honest, pretty frank discussion with me. Is there any last words
you’d like to leave with our viewing audience?
Lucifer: Yes. I’d like to take this moment and give a special thank you to two
groups of people. First, I want to say thank you to all of my
followers. You are the hands and feet of my administration and we
could do nothing without you. Keep up the good work. Spread my
message. And, second, I’d like to say thank you to the divided
church. I love the way you argue and use your passions to fight
amongst each other. Keep up the good work. There’s really no rush
to tell people about Jesus. You all have plenty of time.