Testimony of A’zari Yahion - #11
YouTube Channel: “Died and went to hell and was given into the hands of
the Devil/Ha’Satan”
Part 1
“Shalom, Shalom, to all those out there in the world.
I’m just here to give my testimony, today.
On how I died and went to Hell.
And, by the grace and mercy of the Most High, Himself.
I was able to come back.
And, I’m able to give you this testimony.
And, I’m gonna try to keep it short.
It might be two parts to it.
Or, I might just try to get it all done in one testimony.
So, this started at the age of 16.
So, approximately 20 years ago.
The story starts in Sacramento.
So, we were headed to a trip to Sacramento.
To my sister’s baby daddy’s house.
At that time.
Around that time.
And, I end up doin’ a drug.
And, I really didn’t tamper with drugs at the time.
But, that was just something that happened.
So, I end up taking this drug.
And, we’re headed there.
And, the whole time we’re headed there.
My heart is pounding outrageous.
You know, there’s a lot of things that are not going right on this trip.
As we’re headed to the trip.
You know, I’m starting to have car trouble when we’re headed there.
On the side of the freeway.
On the side of the freeway.
So, we get to Sacramento.
It’s me, my sister, a couple of friends with us.
And, you know, the girl that I was with.
And, so, we finally get into Sacramento.
And, I’m starting to feel my heart beat outrageous.
To where I cannot catch my breath.
And, we finally make it to my sister’s baby daddy’s house.
And, we get to the porch.
And, I literally can feel my heart getting ready to bust.
And, so, I started to loose my breath.
So, I continue to tell my sister.
I told her.
‘I don’t feel good.’
And, that’s the feeling that I had.
‘I don’t feel good.
Something is wrong.’
And, so, I’d probably say.
Two minutes later.
I felt the feelin’.
From my brain down to everything.
Shutting down.
And, I died at the moment.
And, this is where the testimony truly starts.
When I died.
I was in a dark place.
Very cold.
And, dark place.
And, in this place.
There was an entity.
And, I didn’t know who this entity was at the time.
And, all I can remember, at the time.
Was shaking.
I was just shaking.
There’s no thoughts.
You can’t speak in this place that I was at.
There’s no thinking in this place that I was at.
And, there’s definitely no power.
Humanly power.
In this place.
And, this entity looked at me.
And, he smiled.
And, I just remember shaking.
Because, I was in unbelief.
At what I was looking at.
And, I couldn’t speak.
I couldn’t think.
Any of the sort.
And, this entity put his arm around me.
And, at the time, that he put his arm around me.
It was just this feeling that came over me.
To where I knew who he was at that moment.
And, he had the whitest teeth.
The most beautiful smile.
And, he put his hand on this door.
And this entity was so powerful.
That when I gazed into his eyes.
His eyes were all different kind of colors.
Combined into one.
He had the most beautiful eyes that I’ve ever seen.
On planet earth.
And, his eyes were so hypnotizing.
That this entity took my soul.
From my body.
And, I was with him spiritually.
That’s how much power this entity had.
In this realm.
So, I didn’t have any kind of worldly power.
Just shaking.
Trembling and fear.
Came over me.
And, when he had took my soul.
He had took me to a place.
And, in this place.
I remember.
It was all fire.
And, I’d never forget it.
To this day.
There were millions of people on the ceiling.
They had no faces.
They had no skin tones.
I can’t describe to you.
Any of their features.
I just remember.
That there were.
Millions of them.
From the ceiling.
And, the ceiling.
Within itself.
Was on fire.
And, that ceiling.
Stretched for miles.
Upon miles.
As in.
There was no ending.
To the ceiling.
And, I can just remember.
I’m still shaking.
While viewing all of this.
In fear.
And, at the same time, as that.
My spirit is on fire, also.
And, I can remember.
That all of these people were on the ceiling.
Upside down.
And, all of their hands.
Were waving.
In the air.
And, they were all making an unbearable sound of.
And, I can’t forget the sound to this day.
The sound was.
‘Uuuh, uuuh, uuuh, uuuh, uuuh.’
And, there were no.
There’s no speaking.
There weren’t people talking.
It was just agonizing pain.
Of hearing those sounds.
‘Uuuh, uuuh.’
And, he took me through that level.
And, then, another level came.
And, then, another level came.
And, then, another level came.
And, I can remember.
Seeing four levels of people.
On the ceiling.
Upside down.
And, millions.
And, billions.
If not.
In agonizing pain.
Just, ‘Uuuh, uuuh.’
And, everything was on fire.
And, I know.
After the four levels.
Of what I had seen.
I come back.
And, I can remember after.
And, you know, my sister was there with me, after.
And, our friends.
And, girl.
And, so forth.
Of everybody that was there.
That witnessed it.
And, I can remember.
That I could not speak after.
For at least 12 hours.
I remember staring at the ceiling.
For at least 12 hours.
And, I couldn’t speak.
Because, there was no thoughts.
No words.
No emotions.
No feelin’s.
In me.
At the time.
And, (BOOM!).
I’m thinking the whole time.
When I get home.
You know.
My mom’s gonna kill me.
And, I was so scared.
To tell anybody.
Of what I had experienced.
Or, witnessed.
Because, you know.
Growin’ up.
You know.
Being who I am.
I knew that if you told people these things.
You told the government these things.
They would lock me up.
And, they would throw away the key.
I’d be in a crazy.
In a crazy home.
In the psychic ward.
Locked up.
Because, of the things that I had seen and experienced.
And, then the demons.
And, Ha’Satan.
Ha’Satan is what I call him.
But, you would call him.
The devil.
Then, they would really have their go at me.
So, months after that.
I muscled up the courage.
To tell my mom what I had experienced.
Because, I was in awe.
I didn’t understand what had happened.
But, I felt like everybody had lied to me.
I wasn’t a big church person.
We didn’t grow up in the church.
But, we always talked to the Most High.
We believe in the Most High.
And, I just felt like, in my own spirit.
That anything, that the pastors had said.
Or, anything, that any church person had told me.
Was a lie.
That’s what I knew in my spirit.
And, the Most High.
After that.
Had gave me into the hands of the devil.
Ha’ Satan.
For a season.
And, when I had told my mother that.
She just looked at me.
With no type of emotion.
Or, the response I was looking for, anyway.
And, she just told me.
‘You know, son, you ain’t liv’in right.’
And, that answer, also.
I didn’t understand at that time.
Because, I’m 16 years old.
I’m goin’ to Hell?
What have I done to go to Hell?
You know.
I was thinkin’ upon all these things.
I was in so much fear and tremblin’.
Even when I came back to my own body.
And, that’s when the possession started.
That’s when the devil was with me.
For at least five years.
And, this entity.
And, I still had not fully known.
The entity that I was dealin’ with.
But, the entity was all so powerful.
That I kind of felt it in my spirit.
Of whom I was dealin’ with.
And, this entity was smarter than any human.
This entity had more power than any human.
Or, anybody that I had known at the time.
And, he would come converse with me.
And, he would put his hand on my shoulder.
And, he would tell me all of these terrible, terrible.
Evil, evil, evil things about people.
And, not to the point to where he got me to kill someone.
Or, I was debating on murdering myself.
Or, anything like that.
Or, the sort.
Just terrible, terrible things.
He would bother me.
And, everywhere I went.
He was there.
You know.
If I went to the store.
He was there.
If I took a walk down the street.
He was there.
If I went to the park.
He was there.
I didn’t understand.
Why he was botherin’ me.
I didn’t understand.
The spiritual battle that I was fightin’.
And, not just him.
But, he would send minions.
To come bother me at night.
I’d be asleep.
And, I would wake up.
And, I would have three demons surrounding me in a circle.
And, the things that I can remember about these demons.
Was certain of them had animal heads.
And, demon bodies.
I remember one had goat horns.
And, sort of looked like a troll configuration.
They just come in multiple.
Different configurations.
And, they would come bother me.
And, bother me.
And, they would talk to me.
And, they would just say the most evilest.
Wickedest things, ever.
And, I was scared.
I had no power to fight them.
Anytime, they would show up.
I would just tremble.
In fear.
My heart would get to pounding.
I would just start shaking.
And, anytime Ha’Satan would come.
I definitely didn’t have any power.
To do anything.
And, I remember.
That though I was walking around on earth.
Half of my spirit.
Was in a dark cave.
And, I don’t know.
Where this cave was at.
All I know.
Is that.
I can only see out.
Of one side.
Of my body.
That’s how I truly knew.
That he was in me.
And, of course.
I was committin’ wicked acts.
And, living wickedly at the age, of course.
And, I just could remember.
I could not see out of the right side of my body.
Only out the left side of my body.
Or, it could have been the left side and the right side.
I could see out of.
But, I could only see out of one side of my body.
And, the other eye.
I could only see blackness.
And, darkness.
And, he would just steadily come.
And, he would torture me.
And, he would torture me.
By day.
And, by night.
And, I can hear his voice.
As clear as you can hear any other human’s voice.
He used to get me to do all kinds of wicked things.
Say and do.
All kinds of wicked things.
And, I can remember clearly.
As when he was with me.
When I came back.
That he told me.
We were friends.
And, that’s a scary thing.
Because, I felt like I could not escape this entity.
I couldn’t get away from this entity.
This entity would take control of my body.
And, my movements.
And, my thoughts.
And, I just remember,
That at one point.
I was surrounded by a legion of demons.
And, people would say.
I used to hear people.
‘You just need to pray.’
And, you pray.
And, you know.
‘You need to go to church.’
And, they used to say.
All kinds of things.
And, for what I was shown.
About Hell.
And, the things that I’ve seen with this entity.
Like I said.
He’s more powerful than any human.
You think that you can just recite some Bible words.
And, he’s gonna go away?
You think that you can just sit there and pray.
And, that this entity is gonna go away.
That wasn’t the way it was.
I’m here to let people know, today.
That, that’s just not the way it works with this entity.
This entity has deceived the whole world.
That is the Scripture.
That is the Word.
When he came down.
And, it’s sad to say.
That most people in the world.
That they think that they can sit.
And, just rebuke him?
Or, they can say this prayer?
Or, they can go to church?
And, he’s gonna disappear?
That goes away.
You’ve been blessed.
You’ve been saved.
You’ve been healed and so forth.
That’s not the case, at all.
With this entity.
This entity is more powerful.
Than any human being.
Walking this planet earth.
Than you and I.
Or, anybody.
This entity knows the Bible better.
Than any human walking this earth.
This entity knows more about the creation.
And, about how the order of things operate.
Than any human being on earth.
So, just recitin’ some words?
Or, you feelin’ like church would help to save you from him?
That’s not the case at all.
Once he has you in his grasp.
You’ll be lucky to slip away.
It’d be by the grace and mercy.
Of the Most High.
Honestly, I don’t know how I got out of the situation.
But, when I did get out.
I knew it was the Most High, Himself.
That had given me into the hands of the devil.
And, I didn’t understand it.
I didn’t understand demonic possession.
I didn’t know why demons were conversin’ with me.
I didn’t know why I could continue to see demons.
I, I just didn’t know why.
There was no explanation for it.
And, the more that I would be possessed.
The more wickedly I would act.
And, the more wicked things that I would do.
Of course.
And, I remember a short time after that.
And, I’m young, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Up, into these ages.
And, I would pray.
Didn’t work.
I tried to go to church one time.
I felt more, and this is just my own spiritual discernment about it.
‘Cause I wasn’t a big church person.
I believed in the Most High, like I said.
I believed in Him.
I believed in Mashiach, um, even then.
But, the churches that I would go into.
For some reason.
I would feel more demons in the church.
Than I would as if I was walkin’ around.
In the regular world.
And, the same demons that surrounded me.
They would be in the church.
So, I cut church all out altogether.
I went one time.
I tried it.
It just, it didn’t work for me, personally.
Because, the Most High had already shown me.
When I had got tookin' to Hell.
And, I was given into the hands of the devil.
That goin' to church is not gonna save you.
It’s not.
Just because you go to church.
Doesn’t mean you’re gonna be accepted into Heaven.
Goin’ to church.
It wasn’t the path of salvation the Most High showed me at a young age.
And, that terrified me.
It scared me.
And, um, so, like I said, this entity.
He would just spurt all kinds of things out.
Day and night.
Day and night.
Day and night.
And, the more he would torture and torment me.
Of course, the more I would do drugs.
And, I was lost.
You know.
We had, there was nobody feeding me any type of.
You know.
Positive motivation.
You know.
No mentors.
Nobody tellin’ us what’s right and wrong.
And, you know.
I’m born and raised in California, by the way.
Just to let you know.
Born and raised.
So, you know.
The lifestyle we live.
And, the culture of California.
Of course, we already know is all out wicked, within itself.
But, I mean, at that time.
Growin’ up, we didn’t.
You know.
I didn’t know it.
We didn’t know it.
And, what really touched me is.
You know.
Bein’ told that you just ain’t livin’ right.
Without any type of explanation behind it.
So, my belief in Heaven and Hell at that time.
I knew that there was a Hell.
I’ve seen it.
And, I felt it in my spirit.
And, I’ve been tookin’ to caves and tortured.
To where I was in a dark cave.
In a cave.
Don’t know where the cave was.
Can’t explain to you any of the sort.
But, a dark cave, very rocky inside.
With bars.
As prison bars.
And, just cold.
And, I can remember having a chain around my neck.
And, the chain around both of my feet that were connected to something.
I couldn’t tell what it was connected to.
And, these demons would walk past the cage.
When I was in this realm.
Because, I was possessed.
And, I didn’t have control over my own body.
Or, mind.
And, they literally had me in a place.
Where it’s a different realm.
Where it’s not a worldly realm.
It’s a realm like Hell.
You have no power.
You can’t talk.
You can’t think.
There is nothing of the sort that you can do.
There is only fear and trembling when you’re in these realms.
And, there’s somethin’ that comes over your spirit.
To where you just know that it’s over.
You just know that there’s no power in you.
You have no power in you.
And, they would torture me.
They would walk back and hit on the bars.
They would say, just makin’ fun of me.
How you would make fun of.
How people bully people.
How people down other people.
Make fun of other people.
Just to say evil and wicked things to people.
To make themselves feel better.
That’s what they would do to me.
And, there was no escape for me.
Nobody could help me.
And, I knew it.
I knew within my own Ruach.
My own spirit.
That nobody could save me from them.
Nobody could help me from them.
But, I used to pray to the Most High.
And, even then.
I still didn’t receive the answers that I wanted to receive.
And, I would just do drugs.
And, one thing about what I’ve learned in the spiritual realm is.
They say that drugs are a gateway to other drugs.
And, I tell people, ya, that’s a true statement within itself.
But, what the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness won’t tell you is.
And, the government themselves.
Is that, drugs are a gateway for demonic possession.
From alcohol to marijuana down to any other Class A Felony Drug that you could name.
Cocaine, so forth.
Of any drug out there in the world, even prescription pills.
Um, you name it.
As long as it’s a drug that alters the mind, feelin’s and emotions.
These are gateways for demonic possession.
And, of course, they’re not going to tell you that.
They would say, ‘Oh, well, drugs are a gateway to doin’ other more powerful drugs.
I tell people.
It plays a small part.
So, and I used to be high all the time in my younger years.
Just livin’ wickedly, like I said.
And, I wasn’t myself.
And, I didn’t tell anyone these things.
That’s the thing.
I was so scared.
That I would not give my testimony unto the world.
Or, even, unto my sister or brothers.
Or, so forth, of any of my friends, family.
I kept it to myself for a long time.
I kept it to myself so long.
Here it is 20 years later, that I’m givin’ my testimony.
About what I experienced about it.
And, about what I’ve been through.
With Ha’Satan.
As you would call him, the devil.
And, you know, bein’ shown Hell.
Just this entity alone.
Of takin’ my spirit out of my body.
With his eyes.
Most beautiful eyes.
I reiterated to you.
That told me.
That showed me within those moments.
Who he was.
That he’s so powerful in this realm.
That he can take my spirit out of my body.
And, it’s with him.
My Ruach Hakadesh was with him.
And, he had my Ruach with him.
And, the things that I was allowed to see.
I just knew that the way that we were livin’.
And, everything that I was taught.
Was a lie.
And, people mistake this entity.
For as an entity that you can just bypass.
Or, an entity that has no wisdom and knowledge.
Like, I say, I am not givin’ him any glory or power.
This is just a testimony of what the Most High brought me through.
And, allowed me to overcome.
‘Cause the Most High.
Yahuah, Himself.
Is very, very real.
The Most High is very real.
He exists.
He’s the one and true living King of kings.
And, Master of masters.
Ya’Israel, of course.
And, I feared the devil more than I had feared the Most High at the time.
Because, the Most High had givin’ me into his hands.
So, it was all just torture and torment, possession.
I, literally, had a problem with everybody in the world, at the time.
I wasn’t out there killing people and just doin’ wreckless things like that, of the nature.
But, yet, he still
I was wicked.
Trust me.
I’m not gonna get into the deep details of Californialife.
Born and raised and bein’ wicked.
And, the life in the streets.
But, just know that I was wicked as all outdoors.
And, ya, the devil, he comes to kill.
And, destroy.
And, one thing that I do know about him.
Is that, don’t take him lightly.
Don’t think that you have one up on this entity.
Just don’t.
Because, you don’t.
And, people always like to throw in their.
‘Oh, the devil’s a lie.
The devil’s a lie.’
We know that he’s a lie.
But, people always want to throw him in situations to bring his name up.
As, if, the devil.
It’s always the devil.
I’m here to tell you today, too.
It’s not always the devil.
Sometime, he doesn’t waste his time on the small fish.
I tell people that.
He just doesn’t.
It’s not how he operates.
He just doesn’t come to everybody.
He just doesn’t shew himself to everybody.
That’s not the way he operates.
He doesn’t have time for those he already has.
At all.
Only those he wants so bad.
And, the Most High allows him to do what he does with those individuals.
And, I mean, you know, my testimony is long.
You know, even sometime after that.
I think it was about three years after I died.
He almost took my life.
And, you know.
And, my sister was there with me.
You know.
My sister is a testimony.
I haven’t many people that could witness to my behavior.
And, the things that happen.
And, they just.
I was possessed.
And, I remember one time.
And, I was livin’ in Fresno.
I was 18 years old.
Still possessed.
Still goin’ through it.
Devil’s still on me.
And, you know.
Me and my
I was very young.
We were eighteen.
And, she had got into a profession.
And, you know.
I was nearly by myself the whole time.
And, that’s when they.
That’s when they come.
And, I remember sittin’ there one night.
In my house.
By myself.
I’m drinkin’, smokin’.
You know, I’m livin’ wickedly.
I just didn’t know what to do at the time.
I was lost as all outdoors.
With no direction on which way to start.
Which way to go.
And, the wind was blowin’ heavy that night.
I can remember.
Very heavy.
Back and forth.
You know, at this time I had lived in Fresno.
Right across the street from the football stadium.
You know, Bulldog.
And, it’s known as an Asian Blood.
And, so forth.
And, so, I’m drinkin’, like I said.
And, the sweetest voice.
Just whispers in my ear.
And, says, ‘Open the door.’
And, I sat there for a couple of seconds.
I get up.
I walk over to my door.
I open the door.
And, I sit there and I stare at the wind.
Just hard.
Back and forth.
The trees.
I close my door.
And, my Ruach, must’a had came back to me.
And, it had told me.
It said, ‘Something told you to open the door.
You have just allowed another entity.’
And, from that point on.
I can just tell you.
That things got even crazier for me.
Even crazier for me.
You know.
I started to act more wickedly.
I started to act out in violence.
Disobedience, even more.
Because, I was afraid.
Because, these entities made me afraid.
And, I had no power.
And, people, like I said.
Will tell you to do these things.
Do that.
Do this.
Do this.
This is what you need to do.
But, how can you tell someone when they’re in it.
This is what you need to do?
When these entities are allowed to take over your mind.
Your body.
And, take your Ruach.
From the earth.
Into a realm that you know not.
That you can’t escape.
It is cold.
It is dark.
There is no talking.
So, my testimony of seein’ people in Hell.
People didn’t have faces.
People didn’t have skin.
They didn’t have eyes, noses, ears.
There was no talkin’.
Agonizin’, screamin’ in pain.
‘Uuuh, uuuh, uuuh.’
And, I’ve seen other people’s testimonies of goin’ to Hell.
And, so forth.
And, you know.
I’m not here to take anything away from anybody’s spiritual experience.
Of, you know.
What they’ve been through.
But, from the knowledge and wisdom that I was given.
About this place.
There’s no talkin’.
You don’t have no power.
And, all that braveness.
And, courage.
And, I’m a human.
And, all that talkin’.
That doesn’t exist.
In that realm.
The only thing that exists.
Is fear.
And, shakin’.
And, you have no control.
Over your fear.
And, shakin’.
You have no power.
And, I’ve never seen.
I’ve never seen Heaven.
The Most High has never allowed me to see Heaven.
I’ve never seen an angel.
I’m not takin’ anything away from anybody’s testimonies.
Like, I said.
But, me personally.
I haven’t got shew’d that goodness.
But, I was allowed.
And, given.
Into the hands of the devil.
For a time.
And, a season.
And, he was with me ever since I died and came back.
And, he would not depart from me.
At all.
Day or night.
Day or night.
Day or night.
Day or night.
And, at that time.
You know.
I didn’t have any light in my life.
You know.
Me and my sister we were always separated.
But, we were always close in our younger years.
Even up until that point.
And, the devil used to tell me.
That he didn’t like it.
You know.
That I had to separate myself from my sister.
You know.
And, I didn’t understand that.
He kept me isolated from all people.
And, all things.
Over the world.
My brothers and sisters.
I tell you.
Do not take this entity lightly.
In any area.
Of your life.
Because, Hell is very real.
And, I know Heaven exists.
Because, what I seen.
And, what I experienced.
And, what I was shown.
And, whom I was given to.
I know that the Most High exists.
I know that Heaven exists.
And, He is real.
The Most High is real.
All the glory belong to the Most High.
And, forever.
His mercy endureth.
His grace abounds towards all of His creation.
And, I’m grateful.
To be able to give you my testimony, today.
And, the testimony is longer.
It is.
And, like I said.
I’ll probably so a Part 2 to this.
Just to finish out the testimony.
Because, it doesn’t stop there.
But, I just wanted to give you the first part of my testimony.
About what I was shown.
About Hell.
And, what I seen in Hell.
And, about me comin’ back.
And, about how I was givin’ into the hands of the devil.
And, the demons.
To be tortured.
And, tormented.
For a season.
And, for a time.
And, a time.
Until that time came to an end.
I even got to the point.
To where.
I wanted to commit suicide.
To end it.
I did.
I, literally, did.
That is my confession on TV.
It was so much on my Ruach.
I couldn’t bear it.
I was already thinkin’.
If I got to deal with this entity.
And, bear with it.
Why not die?
I’d just rather die.
That’s the way I felt.
At the time.
I’d rather die.
Then, so he can have me.
That was my thinkin’.
At the time.
It was.
I wanted to end all the pain.
The torture.
And, the torment.
The Most High wouldn’t allow me to do that.
Of course.
And, I wasn’t a suicidal person.
By far.
But, this is the things that Ha’Satan.
And, his legion of demons can do.
He doesn’t need a legion of demons.
He doesn’t need his minions.
He doesn’t need his fallen angels.
Hierarchy under him.
Because, in the world.
He is the prince of the world.
And, in that realm.
He has all power over humans.
Believe me when I tell you.
From the earth to that realm.
He has all power.
And, just don’t take him lightly.
Everything that they’ve told you about him.
Think the opposite.
He’s not gonna shew you what he’s gonna do.
He’s not gonna shew you what he’s gonna do.
He’s not gonna tell you what he’s gonna do.
He’s the ultimate deceiver.
So, everything that you think that they told you about him.
And, this is what he does.
And, the devil this.
The devil that.
Get that out of your head.
‘Cause he laughs at that befoolery.
‘Cause it’s befoolery.
‘Cause he knows that most people are already his.
No reason to go get you.
No reason to tempt.
If you already belong to him.
People are so far gone in their delusions.
And, their vain opinions.
And, the myths that they believe.
That they believe everything.
That Ha’Satan has told them about him.
And, why would he give you the truth about him?
But, the Most High has shewed me wisdom and knowledge.
He has given me into his hand.
So, therefore, I know about this entity.
And, how powerful this entity is.
With his eyes he can take you straight out of your body.
If he wanted to.
Think on that.
If he’s able to do such things.
He was given power to do such things.
What else?
Just think about.
What else?
But, this is just a short testimony to give you.
And, I’ll probably make a Part 2 too.
Like, I said, just to complete my full testimony.
And, to continue to give you the rest of the story.
Of me given into the hands of the devil.
After I died and came back.
So, thank you, once again.
For listenin’ to my testimony.
I hope this reaches the people that it needs to reach out there.
I hope the Most High blesses those who need to receive this to receive it.
And, I’m not here to bash anybody’s testimonies about Heaven or Hell.
Or, anything of the sort.
I’m just here to give you the testimony of what the Most High has brought me through.
And, allowed me to see.
And whom He has given me to.
And, it’s all praises to the Most High Yahuah.
And, like I said, just be mindful.
Be vigilant.
Of this entity.
And, Shalom and blessings to those in the world.
And, I’ll definitely, probably, be touching back with you guys.
I’m not really a video type of person.
Not really a social media type of person.
I really, I don’t have social media.
I don’t make videos or drop videos.
But, the Most High has definitely put this on my mind.
And, my spirit.
And, it’s been there for twenty years.
I just never mustered up the courage to do it.
Until, today.
But, I definitely think those who will get to see this video.
And, who harken on to this testimony.
And, you know.
It reaches those who it needs to reach.
You know.
And, those who have unbelief.
Those who want to say.
No, you didn’t.
No, that didn’t happen to you.
Why would it happen to you?
And, all that other befoolery.
I mean.
You can.
It really doesn’t bother me at all.
What people believe.
And, what you don’t believe.
Because, I know.
The truth.
Because, His Word is truth.
And, there is no greater truth.
Than the Word.
So, like I said, Shalom.
And, blessings to those.
And, that was my testimony.”
See Page 19 for Part 2