Testimony of Joe Hadwin - #4
YouTube Channel: “Died and went straight to HELL!”
“My name is Joe Hadwin.
I would like to share with you today a experience that happened to me, July 20, 2009.
It is an experience that will, that literally changed my life.
I’ve never been the same since then.
I will try to keep it as short and brief as possible since the video isn’t too long, but it’s something I think that everyone needs to know about.
On July 20, 2009, I died from a massive coronary and went straight to Hell.
I freaked out.
I had this demon slither around me, around my shoulders, real reptilis looking, tentacle-type hair, millions of teeth, got right in my face and said, ‘I got you now!’
I looked down.
I seen demons all around me, chewing me up.
I panicked.
I freaked out.
And, I screamed out, ‘God!’
And, then, the battle took place for my soul.
I was saved when I was 14 years old, 1978.
I was brought up under non-denominational type belief.
Later on, we migrated into Southern Baptist belief church.
I went to Summer Grove Baptist Church.
And, I was taught to believe in ‘Once saved, always saved.’
But, I’m here to tell you right here, right now, that’s not the truth.
That’s a false doctrine.
It’s a lie straight from Satan.
Because the Bible says, ‘We pick up our cross daily, and follow Him.’
I had no doubt about my original conversion.
I was on fire for the Lord, but some things occurred and happened to me within the church, within the church elders, and I got burnt.
And, I put my eyes on man.
I put my eyes on the hypocrisy that was all throughout the church.
And, when you put your eyes on man, he’ll always let you down.
And, so, I knew the Scripture that said, ‘That I’d rather you be cold or hot, because you’re lukewarm, I spew you out of My mouth.’
And, I said, ‘Okay. I was hot for You. Now, I’m fixin' to be hot for Satan.’
And, along went my path of self-destruction.
A week after the age of seventeen, I moved out on my own, the middle of my high school year, high school senior year.
And, I got mixed up in drugs, all the wrong choices.
The stupid choices that a young adult makes.
And, I tried everything I could to get.
I wanted off, to get help and to get away from the drugs, but it seemed that Satan wanted me badly.
And, he tried everything in his power to steal my soul and he almost succeeded.
Before long, my drug addictions got to the point to where they were so severe that I was not only mentally addicted, I was physically addicted.
I was on a hard core drugs of crystal meth, cocaine, heroin and I was an I-V drug user.
I would go in and out of church to try to desperately cry out for help and I went to this one church, First Assembly of God, Bossier City, Louisiana.
And, I poured my heart out to the associate pastor there by the name of Dave Edwards.
And, explained to him how I’d just shot up all my rent money, my trucked up money, all the money I had to live on and couldn’t stop.
Just killing myself from shot to shot to shot and I needed help.
I needed help bad.
Literally, just poured my life out in front of him and I think I scared him to death.
You know, they hear about drug addiction.
They hear about these type of things all around them and then when it’s confronted with them in their face, I don’t think they really realize the full impact of what drug addiction can do.
I raised up my sleeves and showed him my arms, looked like pin cushions and I said, I need help.
He said, ‘Okay. We’re gonna help you, but it’s gonna cost you.’
And, I’m thinkin', okay, well, that’s great.
You know, I’m thinkin' civic duties, community service type work.
I explained that I didn’t have a dime to my name.
And, he said, ‘It’s gonna cost you about $500 a month.’
I was gonna have to pay for drug treatment, the counseling.
And, I lost it.
When I poured my heart out and my soul out to this man, crying out for help, he looked at it for a way to make a buck, you know, a dollar in the name of Jesus.
And, I viciously, verbally attacked him.
Got to the point where I was going to physically assault him.
I walked out of the church, cursed him out, cursed God out and literally shook my fist at the skies above and cursed God and everything holy.
And, I said, I’m gonna break every commandment there is.
I’m gonna be Your worse sinner.
And, vowed to break every commandment and perceived to do so and did so.
By the age of 24, I was sittin' in Angola, five counts armed robbery, 15-year sentence.
That was 1989.
Anyhow, proceeded to do my sentence.
Got out.
Due to conflicts with the Law, this and that, kept going back doing 14-years in a 15-year sentence.
Got out and met the wife that I am with now, my saving grace, Evelyn.
And, I got mixed up.
I met this guy that I did time with.
And, Satan put him in my path and the next thing you know, everything I hated in my life, and I ran from, I was running to.
And, I was back on drugs.
And, I proceeded to destroy my life and everything I love.
And, that’s what happened July 20th.
For reasons unknown to me, I can’t explain it.
I ate the level of 4½ grams of high grade cocaine and it blew my heart up.
And, I know, a lot of you gonna think, you know, this is some drug induced deal.
But, a, whether you choose to believe it or not, that’s your right, your beliefs.
But, I’m telling you, what happened to me and what I experienced, changed my life 'cause God intervened.
This battle that went back and forth was unending.
My wife running to the bathroom, she saw me leaned up against the toilet.
She screamed my name and all she saw when I turned my head, it was a small black spot about the size of a cantaloupe. No eyes, no ears, no mouth, just a solid black spot.
And, that literally scared the Hell out of her.
And, she took off running.
She ran to unlock the door.
She said to this day she didn’t know why she did that.
In the time frame that it took her to get back, I had one foot in this world and one foot in the spiritual realm.
And, time and space is all distorted.
It seemed like it lasted 12 years.
An eternity.
And the battle, like I said, ensued over my soul.
Satan threw all kinds of horrible, evil, God awful thoughts into my head. The worse things you can think of, the worse sins possible.
And, God kept putting His love out.
And, when we say love, it’s so over rated; so overused.
God’s love’s perfect love.
It’s like a warm blanket.
It wraps around you and surrounds you.
It’s perfect.
And, this went back and forth, from things getting light to dark, light to dark.
And, finally, Satan said, ‘I’m right here, right now. You see me; feel me. Who is your god?’
So, he tried using doubt.
And, I started thinking about it and I said, ‘You know what, God, I need you. He’s right. Where are You?’
And, poof, He appeared.
All my life I wanted to see Him and He was right there in my face, holding his hand out.
He said, ‘Just take My hand.’
And, every time I would reach out to take His hand, Satan’s demons would sit there and put all these horrible thoughts in my head and everything I couldn’t do and it was crazy.
It was insane.
It didn’t make sense.
And, finally, you know, this went back and forth, back and forth.
And, I was inundated with.
I was wore out.
I was physically, mentally and spiritually just beat down.
And, I said, ‘You know what, God? I don’t care if I’m in a cardboard box. I don’t care what happens to my life. I don’t care. I’m Yours. I give you my all, 100%.'
And, it was at that time that I crawled into His hand, this huge, massive hand.
And, I’m staring at His eyes, the bluest, serene, miraculous eyes.
They’re just so beautiful.
You just get lost in His eyes.
And, He’s picking me up and as He’s picking me up, He goes to put me down and I’m freaking out.
I’m like, what’s goin' on God?
And, He’s flicking me out of His hand like some kind of bug and then He proceeds to chew me out.
And, let me tell you somethin'.
That’s one Person you do not want to scold you, is God.
And, He says, ‘You knew Me and turned your back. You mocked My Holy Spirit. You mocked My name. You blasphemed Me. You don’t deserve a second chance.’
And, everything He said, I couldn’t refute.
All I could do was shutter.
He was right.
I had no defense.
I said, ‘You’re right, Father. You’re right.’
He said, ‘But, I’m a gracious God and I’m gonna to forgive you. And, I’m gonna to give you a second chance even though you don’t deserve it.’
And, He said, ‘On two conditions.’
I said, ‘Man, whatever. Whatever, man. Whatever You want.’
He said, ‘One was, you tell this story to anyone and everyone who will listen to it. And He said the second one is, I need you to help gather the souls.’
I said, I don’t understand.
He said, ‘Just gather the souls.’
He said, ‘Everything you were taught as a child; everything you were taught to believe in is fixed to happen. The time is nigh, the end of the world. And, there’s a great spiritual battle taking place right now. And, I need you. Help Me.’
And, I said, Okay, Lord.
And, I’ve told this story to everyone I could talk to about it.
Um, everyone looks at me like I’m nuts and I’m crazy.
Been meaning to do this video for I don’t know how long.
And, you, as you watch this video, probably think I’m nuts and I’m crazy.
But, all I know, is when I came to, everything that was wrong and evil in me was gone.
And, God cut out all the addictions.
God healed me.
Miraculously cured me.
It was gone.
And, I’ve never been the same since then.
I was a bastard.
I was just straight up mean.
I persecuted Christians.
I used to take the Bible and roll dope up in it and smoke it.
And, laugh at you if you weren’t smoking with me.
My favorite Scripture was John 3:16 to smoke.
And, if God can save me, and if God can love me, He can love anybody.
No man is beyond redemption, no woman.
I don’t care what you said, what you’ve done.
He loves you.
God is love.
All He asks is you just take Him by the hand.
And, so, that’s what I ask.
Give Him a chance.
Before, I had no hope.
My first waking thoughts when I woke up in the morning was how am I gonna get high and why am I alive?
Not anymore.
I have hope now.
My wife says I have a love affair with death.
I guess I do.
That doesn’t scare me.
I welcome it.
In His due time, when God’s ready to call me.
I’m ready.
But, until then, I will spread His Word and His love.
And, I pray that you take these words to heart and do some good with it.”