Testimony of Mary K. Baxter - #18
YouTube Channel: "Mary K Baxter Divine Revelations of Heaven and
Part I
“My name is Mary K. Baxter.
And, I live in Florida.
Traveling almost, well I guess, 23 years.
All over the world.
128 nations.
And, I’ve got all kind a books God gave me of the supernatural.
I wrote under the anointing.
And, they’re translated.
Some of them, the Hell book.
128 languages in the world.
And, I’ve been to many nations.
And, when they translated my book, and they really changed their lives.
Their eyes come open.
And, they realize there’s a Hell.
So, tonight, I’m gonna be sharing with you about Hell.
And, give you some Scriptures.
And, we’re gonna show a little part of Bill Wiess.
And, I did.
Fourteen years ago.
In California.
A documentary.
Just parts of it.
Not a whole bunch.
And, these scenes that you’re gonna see, are really in Hell.
So, tonight, I don’t want you to be afraid.
I just want you to understand.
There’s mysteries and revelations to give to us.
And, God, does not want it held back from His children.
And, if we believe the Bible.
We believe in the supernatural.
If Almighty God can take a bone out of a man, and make a woman.
Who do you think we’re servin'?
Who do you think God is?
How big is God?
If Almighty God can speak this world into existence, how big is our God, Sweetheart.
How big is He, pastor?
If He can make the dust from the ground and make a human being.
And, He breathes into his mouth.
And, he becomes alive.
A living soul.
Called Adam.
How many times I have traveled.
And, met remarkable men and women, that have these kind of revelations.
From the beginning of time, creation, until the end of the world, these men have seen revelations of how God spoke.
And, things was done.
And, out of His mouth comes a living power.
That saturates the earth.
And, the mist comes.
The garden comes.
'Cause He’s God.
He’s God.
The very dust on your shoes.
God created a man from that dust.
And, then, He put him to sleep.
And, He’s the first surgeon in the world.
And, took a rib out of man.
You men have one less rib than us women.
You know that?
How many knew that?
You didn’t know that, did you?
And, that’s because we came, we’re bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh.
See, God knows what He’s doin', right?
And, so, we’re servin' a mighty King.
And, tonight, I’m gonna share with you some revelations that will just shake you.
You’re gonna cry.
You’re gonna weep.
And, how many, have ever heard a testimony of Hell?
Raise your hand.
Quite a few.
And, doesn’t it kind of shock you.
Like an electrical shock.
When you really think of someday.
We really are gonna die.
We’re gonna leave this earth.
If God permits.
And, some of us are prayin' to be raptured, right, guys?
Do you realize there’s churches that teach there’s no rapture?
Churches that teach Jesus is never coming back, Sweetheart?
I mean, it is serious.
Our Bible is our rock.
Our Bible is what we live by.
From the time I was a little girl.
Prophets and apostles spoke to me my mandate and my calling.
And, then, Almighty God spoke to me.
Except, He appeared to me in a human form in 1976.
I was saved.
I had the Holy Ghost.
I had a house full of children for the Holy Ghost.
And, I was not crazy.
I did not die.
I was told what would happen to me.
And, I was told Jesus Christ, Himself, would manifest His self to me.
And, I used to pray in the services.
In Ephesians, God showed me, great and mighty things, I know not of.
I was always curious.
I always wanted to see God heal the sick.
Raise the dead.
Prayed for animals on a farm.
We had a 500 acre farm in Tennessee.
And, I would love to pray for the animals.
And, God would heal the dogs of mange.
He would heal the little rabbits.
I mean, He was God.
And, I grew up under wanting to see God do somethin' to change this world.
I wanted a dream to come true.
I wanted to.
When I was 12 years old.
I had a dream of a war.
A big war.
And, on one side of the fence, were soldiers.
All dressed in Army uniforms.
Layin' an bleeding.
An dyin'.
And only a few people were bandangin' ‘em up.
And, I was on this side of the fence.
And, I had a nurse uniform on.
And, I thought, well, I guess I’m gonna grow up to be a nurse.
And, help all these wounded soldiers.
And, the more I was with God.
The more He talked to me.
He said.
‘My wounded soldiers are ministers.
They’re on the front lines.
And, they’re wounded.
They’re dyin'.
And, who really cares about them?’
He said, ‘These big I’s.
Everybody wants to be the big ‘I did this.’
The big, ‘I did that.’
God said, ‘I’m gonna strip them.
I’m gonna strip, down.
Back, to the Old Holy Path.
I’m gonna bring my church back to the Holies of Holies.
I’m gonna bring my people to a place.
They’re gonna know I’m God.
Oh, my.
Let’s pray.
Father, we bow our heads, tonight, as we open up the Book of Revelations.
As, Lord, I give you honor, praise.
God just use me tonight.
Take me over and show me Your heart tonight.
Oh, my Lord.
For I’m lookin' for pearls of a great price, saith God.
Pearls of a great price.
That will lay their life down for Me.
I don’t mean to leave your family.
I don’t mean to go crazy.
I mean.
Will you really lay down your life for Me?
Will you wake up and pray when I ask you to?
When I knock at the midnight hour.
Will you awake and get your Bible.
And, come and dine with Me?
I’m lookin' for a people that will hear Me again.
I’m lookin' for a people that will arise and say, 'Yes, Lord, I’m here.'
You see, I am searchin' now.
And, My eyes are over you.
And, tonight, there is a cloud of witnesses.
They’re all in a balcony.
Your ancestors that went on before you.
Are lookin' down tonight.
They’re lookin' in the church.
And, there’s a great cloud of witnesses above you.
For this is the night the Lord has made.
And, you will rejoice and be glad in it.
Thank you, Father.'
We’re gonna go to the Book of Ezekiel.
Chapter 32.
The Holy Ghost is here.
We welcome Him.
Don’t we?
Let’s welcome in the Holy Ghost.
Young men and women, let’s welcome Him in.
Lord, all of us, just pray your own way.
We welcome in the Holy Spirit.
Open up our blinded eyes.
Take away the darkness from our hearts.
Open up our minds.
Take the scales from our eyes to see tonight.
Let there be a revelation given to the church tonight.
That will shake us.
That will awake us.
And, make us care again, God.
Make us care for our brothers, our sisters.
We thank You for that Holy Ghost.
Thank you, Jesus.
Oh, my Lord.
What are we gonna do, children, when we stand before God.
When all’s said and done.
And, the Judgment Seat is set.
And, we’re standing before the King of Kings.
And, the Lord of Lords.
What are we gonna give Him?
What are we gonna lay at His feet?
Are we gonna say, I’m afraid to talk about Jesus?
The very Man that hung naked before the whole world, for you?
We have a King and a God that’s a real warrior.
He’s not shy.
And, He doesn’t hide.
He comes with mighty angels tonight.
To show you His majesty.
I hear Him say His majesty is gonna show up.
His majesty.
Not ours.
But, His.
And, there’s a time and a season, God said.
For His Word to cut you deep.
And, tonight is your night.
There’s a sword in the land of the Word of God.
That’s been laid down.
And, tonight, we take that sword up, Sweetheart.
And, we just open up God’s Word.
Here in Ezekiel 32.
It talks about worms on your bones.
It talks about Hell.
Ezekiel 32.
I saw it in Hell.
Big, high walls.
With caskets in ’em.
I saw souls layin' in the caskets that can still talk.
They could still remember the earth.
And, how they heard the prophets.
And, here, I’m gonna read it to you.
Ezekiel 32.
And, we’re gonna start at verse 23.
‘Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit.'
We’re talkin' about the pits of Hell, tonight.
What are the pits, children?
Far beneath your feet is a huge.
Carved out place.
That’s like a human body.
On its back, Honey.
With sections of every part of this body.
Is sections of fire.
Sections of demonic torture to the eternal soul.
And, this is what the prophet saw, Ezekiel.
And, he said, their graves are set in the sides of the pit.
And, some of them are deep holes.
Some of them where I’m sittin'.
Over to the wall is like a cavern.
And, on the walls.
In the mud.
Are caskets stacked on top of each other.
And, this is what the Word says.
And the company is round about her grave.
And, all of them, slain.
Fallen by the sword.
Which caused terror in the land.
Of the living.
Today, we have so much terror in our land.
The false doctrines.
The false teaching.
Hell is fillin' up.
Because the youth are dyin'.
And, goin' to Hell.
They’re committin' suicide.
People are goin' crazy in the jails.
The jails are so full of people.
They don’t know what to do with them.
Do you hear me?
Some of them are so wicked.
And, so mean.
Because, demons have possessed them.
This is true.
And it said, yet, there’s God’s army.
The wounded soldiers have to be raised up.
And, look what the Word says.
They cause terror in the land of the living.
And, there’s Elam and her multitudes around about her graves.
All of them, slain by the sword.
Look at this.
This was the old days.
Which are gone down.
Down to Hell.
Uncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth.
I’m tryin' to prove to you.
What I’m sayin'.
What I’m tellin' you.
Jesus showed me is true.
Well, which caused their terror in the land of the living.
If they had borne their shame with them.
They go down to the pits.
When you go down to Hell.
And, you’re placed by demon powers.
In places, of your lifetime.
Of the sins you committed.
Without repentin'.
There’s hope on the earth.
There’s hope.
You know.
We repent.
And, God makes us overcomers.
But, if you don’t repent, Darlin'.
You keep lyin'.
Oh, I never lie.
You’re just lyin' all the time.
And, you are.
And, you caused problems in your family.
You caused manipulation.
God’s sayin'.
‘Stop it.’
'Cause there’s a place in Hell.
For manipulators.
My Lord, I feel His presence.
And, to the nether parts of the earth.
Verse 24.
Which caused terror in the land of the living.
And, they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit.
They have set her in a bed.
Of the midst, of the slain, of her multitudes.
Her graves are round about him.
All of them uncircumcised.
Slain by the sword.
Again, they caused terror in the land of the living.
And, then, they borne their shame.
With them that go down.
Into the pit.
So, who is he talkin' about?
He’s talkin' about people like us.
You could be walkin' and talkin'.
And, alive on the earth.
He’s talkin' about them.
They hid their sins from the commandments of God.
And, back then, you better thank God.
That we have Jesus Christ.
You would die.
You didn’t have a second or third chance.
Do you all know that?
When Jesus came.
He changed that old covenant unto the new covenant.
Where we have many chances.
Ya, even the priest would drop dead.
People, we are really blessed that God loves us.
Enough to give us His Son.
I’m serious about that.
Sweetheart, we’ve got to think who this God is.
Think how big He is.
And, verse 27.
And, they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen.
Of the uncircumcised.
The uncircumcised in those days was people.
Which we know the history.
But, they did evil things.
They would not listen to the prophets and the apostle.
And, you got to believe this.
There was a testimony of a man.
Two hundred years ago.
That was a horse thief.
Stole horses.
He died and he went to Hell.
For stealin' horses.
I’m serious.
I read his testimony.
And, what happened.
God had mercy on him.
And, brought him out of Hell.
He was a slave.
And, what happened, he didn’t tell his story for several years.
'Cause he was afraid they’d put him in a mental institution.
And, he actually was down there.
Burnin' with the thieves.
Gettin' ready to really burn forever and ever.
And, somehow.
God brought him out.
And, he testified and wrote stories about it.
How he was a wicked horse thief.
Have you guys ever stole a horse?
For real, guys.
Have you ever stole a horse?
But, we steal other stuff.
See, He’s tryin' to get our attention.
So, let’s look at this.
They are fallen.
They’ve all gone down to Hell with the weapons of war.
They have laid their swords upon their heads.
But, their iniquities.
That’s their sins.
Shall be upon their bones.
Though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.
So, we’re gonna find out what the terror is tonight.
We’re gonna find out, what the worms are tonight.
Well, you read that whole chapter later.
It all talks about Pits of Hell.
Can we do that.
Pull it up on your Internet.
On your cell phones.
You’ll be shocked how the Word of God, the power of God, is not being preached like it should be.
It wouldn’t do me but, one service to straighten me out.
I’m serious.
I was so hard headed.
And, I knew better.
And, God, boy.
He showed me Hell.
Way after I was saved.
And, full of the Holy Ghost.
'Cause if He’d of shown me Hell before.
I probably wouldn’t be here.
I’m serious.
We gotta realize.
God is so good.
And, so faithful.
That He’s wantin' to tell us, in His Holy Word, what Hell is all about.
Let’s go to Luke 16:19.
That’s the rich man and Lazarus.
Says, shows you can talk in Hell.
You can remember your family while you’re burnin' in Hell.
You can, children.
This is real.
This is Jesus Christ teaching.
Jesus is telling us.
And, warning us.
Well, well, you feel His presence.
He wants us to wake up.
This is Chapter 16 of Luke, verse 19.
There was a certain rich man.
Who was clothed in purple and fine linen.
Otherwise, he was wealthy.
Fared, sumptuously, every day.
And, then, there was a beggar, named Lazarus.
That laid at his gate.
Full of sores.
If you’ve ever been to Jerusalem.
They are those kind of buildings and gates.
And, look what happened here.
There was a certain beggar named Lazarus.
Which was laid at his gate.
Full of sores.
And, desired to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table.
He was so poor.
And, anyway, the dogs came and licked his sores.
And, it came to pass, the beggar died.
Because he kept the commandments of God.
This is before Jesus went to the cross.
He was carried to an abode called, 'Abraham’s Bosom.'
And, in this abode, you could see.
From Abraham’s Bosom, down to Hell.
But, the people in Hell, could not come up to Abraham’s Bosom.
And, the people that were in Hell, could not come up to Abraham’s Bosom.
Because, they did not keep the Ten Commandments God gave Moses.
But, this is talkin' about, before Jesus went to the cross.
He’s telling you what’s goin' on here.
And, this is in red, okay.
Verse 22.
And, it came to pass that the beggar died.
And, was carried by angels.
Look at that.
Your soul’s gonna to be carried by angels to heaven.
Your little body’s gonna to be buried in a grave.
And, someday, that body’s gonna be raised.
That’s another mystery.
The graves are gonna bust open.
And, you’re gonna get a brand new body, goin' up.
Wouldn’t you love to see that, y’all.
We’re gonna see it.
And, just look at the Word of God.
Oh, my goodness.
Abraham’s bosom.
The rich man died.
And, he was buried.
Now, here’s a wealthy man.
Thought that he could buy everything.
And, it’s not wrong to be rich.
God wants you to have money.
God wants you blessed.
He really does.
And, let’s look at this.
Verse 23.
And, in Hell, he lifted up his eyes.
Can a dead man see?
Ya, you have a soul.
If you go to a funeral, that body can’t get up and praise the Lord, can it?
It cannot get up.
And, go shoppin' with us, again, can it?
What happened to that power and ability.
To move.
And, talk.
And, breathe?
It’s called your eternal soul.
You have a body.
And, spirit.
And, so, here’s what God is saying to us.
And, in Hell, this rich man lifted up his eyes.
He could see in Hell.
He wasn’t blind.
And, he was in torments.
Torments are the worms on your bones, Babies.
Torments is fire comin' around your feet.
Coming up over you, like a cloak.
And, old rotten flesh melts down.
And, it grows back.
And, then, God’s Word, the Scriptures, are written around you.
Lovers of your own flesh.
More than God’s Commandments.
Things you never dreamed.
They scream as they pull the worms out.
The fire never kills the worms.
And, they feel that.
They feel the worms.
And, they’re screamin' for death.
And, death don’t come.
You talk about eternity?
We don’t never want you, your family, your loved ones, to go to Hell.
Do you hear me?
I don’t care if they laugh at you.
You don’t worry about it.
They laughed at our God.
And, then, look at this.
And, seein' Abraham afar off.
And, Lazarus in his bosom.
This is God’s Word in action.
He saw it.
He felt it.
He remembered the commandments of God.
Now, look what he says.
He cried.
He had a voice.
And, he said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me.
Send Lazarus.
That he may dip the tip of his finger in water.
Now, hold it here.
He saw Lazarus in a human form, didn’t he?
You couldn’t talk, could you, Honey?
To a vapor of smoke.
He saw Lazarus, like, he did on the earth.
Think about it.
Lazarus was preserved.
You hear me, Babies?
You see?
So, the rich man is burnin'.
And, he wants one drop of water to come on his tongue.
He had a tongue.
The corpses in Hell that walk and talk and scream.
They’re in there.
I’ll go to Galatians, in a minute.
The works of your flesh.
And, that’s another lie that’s bein' told.
We never have to repent for the works of our flesh.
Oh, yes you do!
Don’t let the devil lie to you.
Look at your neighbor.
Say, I’m not goin' to Hell, for you, or anybody.
I made up my mind.
Dear God.
Now, think about this, guys.
This is God’s Word.
And, then, he said, 'For I am tormented in this flame.'
If you’re down there burnin' in a pit of fire.
And, you look over at a person.
And, you don’t know if they’re.
You know.
You can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman, till they speak.
And, they become your neighbor for 50, 60, 100 years burnin'.
And, screamin'.
And, they try to climb out of the pits.
And, demons laugh and shove ’em back in.
In Hell the demons are real.
They’re not invisible.
They’re very visible.
On the top of the earth, they’re invisible.
Answer that question.
I don’t know.
They’re suicide demons in Hell.
That climb up a spiritual pole.
Like, a telephone pole.
They knock each other off to get up here.
To sing to you, when you’re depressed.
They sing to the children.
They tell the youth, ‘Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Nobody loves you.
Nobody cares for you.’
And, the worse word the devil says, ‘You’re no good.’
How manys heard that?
How manys heard it?
And, it’s a lie from the devil.
You have a purpose.
And, a destiny with God.
Every one of you.
You tell that devil to shut up.
And, get off of you.
The blood of the Lamb has made you clean.
In Hell, those demons fight to get up.
And, there’s droves of kids that are committin' suicide in L.A.
A few months ago, they were jumpin' in front of the cars, at night.
The trains.
They were gettin' chopped up.
You hear me?
Fourteen, Sixteen year old children.
You just don’t know.
I’ve been to the homeless shelters, guys.
I’ve been to the Dream Center.
I’ve prayed for kids that’ve been on the streets.
Full of drugs and needle marks and cuts on them.
They have no hope.
They live in the parks.
In the streets.
They have no hope.
And, look at the Word of God.
Here’s the rich man.
Still talkin'.
And, then, Abraham speaks, first.
Verse 25.
Abraham says, 'Son, remember.'
You do not have amnesia in Hell.
You remember every lie you told.
You remember every person you hurt.
Sweetheart, you remember how you kept workin'.
Servin' your flesh.
You remember it.
It’s always with you.
That in your lifetime, you received good things.
And, likewise, Lazarus evil things.
But, now, he is comforted.
And, thou art tormented.
And, then he talks about a gulf between ’em, which we talked about.
He said, ‘You can’t come up here.’
Verse 26.
And, he said, neither can they pass to you.
That come from here.
Verse 27.
Then, he said, 'This is the rich man.
I pray thee, therefore father.
That you would send him to my father’s house.
I have five brothers.
I don’t want to come to this place.'
And, then, he corrects him.
Abraham said unto him, 'They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them hear them.'
But, you see, I never died.
I was very much alive, when God showed me Hell.
I’ll never forget the night He appeared to me in a human form.
And, told me my mandate.
And, my destiny.
And, He said, ‘I’m gonna take you, Katherine, on a journey.
Three hours a night, for thirty nights.’
He was very tall.
He was full of power.
He had beautiful hair to his shoulders.
He had blue eyes.
Out of Him flowed the fruits of the Spirit.
They was colors come out of Him like that (showing a book cover).
Power and glory.
And, you drop to your knees, and you’d say, what can I do for you, Jesus.
And He’s tellin' you.
He’s tellin' you your life.
He’s tell’in' you what you’re gonna do.
He’s tellin' you.
On the day appointed, I will send you all over the earth.
And, you’re lookin' at a King of kings.
And royalty.
Pure white.
Glistenin' with light.
And, it’s so gorgeous.
And, your thinkin'.
This is Jesus!
So, you drop to your knees.
And, you start worshipping Him.
And, after you worship Him a while.
He takes you by the hand and lifts you up.
And, all the time you’re thinkin'.
Did I sin today?
Did I do anything wrong today?
And, you’re repentin'.
And, He looks at me.
No condemnation.
And, then He says, ‘Katherine, you’re gonna go with Me three hours a night for thirty nights.’
It was right before Easter.
It was in March.
It was thirty nights.
March and April.
He said, ‘I’m gonna take you with me among the dead.
And, I’m gonna show you truths that will shake the nation.’
He said, ‘What you’re gonna see.
You’re gonna write in a book and make records.’
And, said, ‘I will get it published all over the world.
I will put it in many languages.
And, there will be a movie made out of it.’
We’re workin' now with movie producers, that work with a passion.
Next year, they’re doin' a movie.
They’re doin' it called, 'Eternity.'
And, they wrote ten scenes, on my new book that’s comin' out in May.
Called, 'The Deception of Satan.'
And, in that new book, comes out in May, they’re gonna take scenes.
Out of that book and show it to the world, with a movie called, 'Eternity.'
And, that’s God.
His Word is bein' fulfilled.
But, I never dreamed it’d take this long.
You know.
But, it did.
But, when Jesus is standin' there.
And, you’re thinkin'.
Well, Lord, I read about Hell.
And, I’m thinkin' in my heart.
And, He says, ‘Peace, be still.’
He tells me, ‘Peace.’
And, He says, ‘Child, I will take you.
I will translate you.
Your body will stay here, in your home, with angels.
Your children, your family, will be safe.
And, you’re gonna come with Me every night.
Three hours a night.
And, I’m gonna take you on a journey.
In the middle of the earth, is where Hell is.’
Hell has mountains of fire.
Hell has degrees of judgment.
Hell has cliffs of fire that are a half mile high.
Where the souls are thrown down in the flames.
Hell has, He told me, they have rivers of blood.
They have rivers of muck.
And, demons.
And, He’s tellin' me all this.
He said, 'There’s snakes in Hell.
Big as locomotive trains, that will hit the earth when My church is gone.
And, I said, 'Dear God.'
He said, ‘I’ll be with you.
But, a few times, you’re not gonna see Me.
But, I’ll be there.’
But, He said, ‘You must take this revelation to the world.
And, it’s written in the Word of God.’
And, He said, ‘Now, when you see these things.
You’re gonna be afraid.
But, I’ll be with you.’
He said, ‘We’re gonna walk, where angels fear to tread.’
He said, ‘We’re gonna go.’
He said, ‘Look at My left hand.’
He had a ring of keys.
A ring of keys.
He said, ‘I have the keys of death and Hell.
I can go down there, anytime I choose.’
He said, ‘I took them from Satan.’
And, when He got done tellin' me my mandate and my destiny.
He kept telling me, 'In the time appointed, it will be.'
You know, in our natural mind, we think it’s the next day, but it’s not.
But, what He did.
He got done talkin' to me.
It was two in the morning.
I don’t know what time we got done talkin'.
But, He explained to me the Word of God.
He said, ‘Now, when we go.
I’m gonna take you by your hand.
Your body’s gonna lay there like it’s asleep.
And, your eternal soul will go with Me.’
He said, ‘I’ll go in my fleshly part.’
He said, ‘I’m gonna look fleshly to you.’
That’s what He told me.
He said, ‘Look at my hands.’
Now, the nail prints were here and here (pointing at the base of the wrist).
Scars, nail prints, okay?
And, on his feet.
The top of his feet.
There was big scars.
He showed me.
He had sandals on.
He said, ‘Now, at times in Hell.'
And, I’m tellin' you things, I’ve never told.
This is in the new book that they’re gonna do the movie of.
His feet, in Hell.
The blood would come to the top of His foot.
And, run down.
And, it’d disappear.
When He’d hold my hand and weep over souls in the Pit.
That blood would come in His hands.
And, He would cry.
Jesus cried so much.
His love is beyond you could ever imagine.
And, He said, ‘Come and see.
And, hear what the Spirit is sayin' to the churches.’
He said, ‘My people need to be awake.’
So, He reached His hand out to me.
My soul come out of my body.
And, I stood beside Him.
Just like He said.
And, He had my, He took my left hand.
And, He said, ‘In the future, Me holdin' your hand, all through Hell.
I will give you a gift of creative miracles.
You will pray for teeth, that will grow in.
You will, He told me, you’ll do different things.
But, only by My power.
Never your power.’
And, He said, ‘I want you to know somethin'.’
He said, ‘You’re gonna be shocked.
You’re gonna cry a lot when you see Hell.’
And, He said, ‘I’ll raise up others that see Hell in the future.’
Bill Weiss is one of my dear friends.
Phil Dinez, a Navajo Indian saw Hell.
Bryan Melvin saw Hell.
And, we’ve all, at times, worked together in California, in Texas and everywhere.
But, Sweetheart, there’s always a humbleness with us.
Because, when you see a skeleton in Hell talkin' to you.
That used to be like us on the earth.
There’s somethin'.
So much compassion.
You cannot.
You cannot contain it.
'Cause your thinkin'.
What if I was backslid and I died.
This is where I’d come.
You talk to backsliding preachers in Hell.
Because, they never told you the truth.
You see ’em burnin'.
Some of ‘em are on meat hooks, hangin'.
You hear me?
Some of ‘em are in vats of fire wrote, The Abominations Of Desolation.
Standing In The Holy Place You Should Not.
False preachers.
False teachers that don’t care about your soul.
It’s real, guys.
It’s not a fairy tale.
And, so, He says to me, ‘Come.’
And, my soul came right out.
And, stood beside the Lord.
I looked at myself.
I could see through myself.
And, I was amazed.
And, I had a real hand.
'Cause He could hold it.
And, He raised His left hand.
And, the roof of my home rolled back.
And, we went out of my home, in the sky.
And, I see scrolls as wide as that right there (25 feet) with God’s written Word.
Psalms 91 written on it.
In gold.
Big, bold letters.
And, then, all around my home were three ranks of angels.
And, it tells how the angels watch over you.
It tells how the angels will protect you.
And, these angels are three ranks.
One is like a camp.
They’re sitting around, like a campfire, talkin'.
Not, no real fire.
But, they’re talkin'.
The second rank of angels are like, maybe seven feet tall.
And, they have wings.
But, the third rank are warfarin' angels.
Jesus told me what they were later.
The third rank were thirty feet high.
They had wing tip to wing tip.
And, they’re the ones with the swords.
And, if any darkness came near my home, Jesus showed me.
They’d pull a sword and cremate that blackness, into flames, to protect us and our families.
And, then, there would be another scroll to came down.
Now, the Book of Malachi.
Everything He showed me was His written Word.
And, how important to remember His Word.
And, so, we went high into the sky.
And, as I go up, I could see the angels watchin' over everything.
And, I got so high up.
The galaxies.
The earth was gone.
But, it was like a basketball (smaller than 9 inches in diameter).
And, I’m standin' with nothin' under my feet, but air.
And, Jesus says, ‘Look over there.’
And, there was a circle of a thing, Darlin'.
Like a tornado.
But, it was not moving like a tornado.
It was hooked way down into the earth.
Like, a tunnel.
And, He said, ‘Those are gateways into Hell.’
And, He said, ‘Look, there’s many of ‘em.’
And, then, He showed me one, children.
That was big as this place here.
Made out of iron.
The doors were two feet thick.
And, there was a keyhole there.
And, there was written in God’s Word above it, 'The Gates Of Hell Will Not Prevail Against My Church.'
See, God is watchin' over us.
'Cause, out of these gateways, come demon powers.
They’re ordered by the enemy to attack us.
But, Jesus gave us His Word.
He gave us His sword.
He wants you guys to be bold.
Even if you don’t know how to pray.
Just say, ‘Jesus.’
And, the demons run 25 feet from you.
They don’t want you to know that they’re scared of you.
'Cause the name of Jesus, make ’em tremble.
The name of Jesus, knocks the devil off his throne.
So, this name, said, every knee will bow.
Every tongue will confess Jesus Christ, King of kings, Amen.
And Lord of lords.
And, He said, ‘Now, com’on.
We’re gonna go down this gateway.
And, you’re gonna get afraid.'
But, He said, ‘I got your hand.’
He said, ‘Now, look down.’
All around this gateway, it’s a big opening.
He said, ‘Did you see the walls?’
I said, ‘Yes, Sir.’
There was a grey net in front of the wall.
All around the wall.
But, in the wall, was all kind of creatures.
There was cockroaches 12 feet high.
There was spiders 12 feet wide.
There was everything creepy, crawly in that net.
And, they could move.
Jesus said those are demons.
You would not believe how evil the devil is.
The Holy Ghost wants you to be aware of what is far beneath our feet.
There is a high cliff.
There’s a devil laughing and throwin' young souls that died.
And, there’s no babies in Hell.
There’s no little children in Hell.
God is merciful.
There’s drops of chutes.
Where they’re shaped oblong like an egg.
And, it’s black.
And, if you’re there with Christ.
Walkin' among the dead.
You see skeletons falling down.
In heaps.
And, heaps.
With a net over ’em.
And, then, demons drag ’em.
And say, ‘We deceived ‘em.
We deceived ‘em.
We deceived ‘em.
To serve the devil.’
So, Jesus takes me down the gateway.
And, it gets hotter and hotter.
We get to the bottom.
And, I hear the voices of the dead.
I hear people screamin'.
‘Help me.
Won’t somebody help me.'
I look to my right.
There’s a blackness.
And, in the blackness is a skeleton on fire.
And, you could hear their voices.
And they say, ‘Where am I?
What is this?
I cannot stop burnin' in flames.’
You look over here to the left.
And you see fire.
And, in the fire, Darlin', is all these skeletons.
‘I just died.
Oh, my God.
Is this my life forever?’
And I begin to cry.
Christ begins to cry.
And, I was in the spirit.
No tears came.
But, Christ, His eyes was flooded with tears.
And, there’s a pathway in front of us.
He said, ‘Now, this is the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
And, we’re gonna walk on this, Child.
And, we’re gonna go into the left leg of Hell."
See Page 27 for Part 2