Testimony of Bryan Melvin - #16
YouTube Channel: "Powerful Testimony!! This Man Saw Hitler And Other
Evil People In Hell"
“In 1980, I was a rough and ready kind of a guy.
Drank a lot and I partied a lot.
And, I was living in Tucson, Arizona.
And, I was working a construction site.
And, one of the guys brought some water from Mexico that was contaminated.
And, I ended up drinking it by accident.
Got real sick.
Contracted Cholera.
And, within about 72 hours I was flat on my back and basically dehydrated.
That’s when I passed away.
I noticed that when I passed on.
That, of course, I wear glasses.
And, I’m very near-sighted.
I noticed that.
The first thing I noticed is that I wasn’t wearing my glasses.
I could see clearly across the room.
When I turned my head, I noticed that my body wasn’t moving.
And, I had been lifted right out my body.
And, hovered over my body.
Looking down at myself.
And, looking around.
And, the next thing I knew, I went through the ceiling of the room I was in.
And, I was then transported into a very, very, very, black, dark void.
I could hear, like, somebody speaking to me.
Like, telepathy.
And, it was explaining to me many, many things that I have.
I no longer remember.
But, most of it, the idea of it was, it was explaining to me the “whys” of life.
Why there was evil in the world.
Why this.
Why that.
People have questions all the time.
These were being answered to you.
As you were being transported through this light.
And, by the time you got to where this light was, you knew what happened.
You know what’s goin' on.
You know what happened.
You know you died.
You know your gonna be judged.
And, everything, as you’re traveling.
It’s made so clear to you that, what’s happening, is perfectly, just and right.
Well, I was going through the darkness and approaching the light there.
When I noticed, that on this rock, there was a big huge boulder right out in the middle of this darkness.
And, there was a person sitting on a throne.
And, the individual, that was sitting on it, was emanating light.
Very, very powerful bright light.
And, there was a love.
And, a compassion too.
But, also, a firmness and fairness, emanating from this person.
And, I’m going.
You know.
Who is that?
And, it begs the question that was coming to me through the spot.
With, look at what you have done with God’s gift.
It was, actually, Jesus was speaking this to me.
'If I let you into Heaven, with what you know now.
And, I’m just.
You would misuse that and keep sin alive in Heaven.
You can’t come in.
You told me, it was granted to me, to see if I hadn’t done wrong.
If the best forgotten, but would not be left unseen.
Not, again.'
And, then, He took all these keys out of His robe.
Just pulled them out.
And, as He pulled them out, you could see the scar where the nails were.
Kind of like, in the wrist area.
Kind of pulled the bones apart.
It’s kind of traumatic looking.
And, had these keys.
And, the keys were odd shapes and designs.
And, He opened up a, walked over to a place.
And, stuck this key into this, looked like a gate.
And, a door opened.
Then, the veil came over.
And, it was dark again and I couldn’t see at all.
I could see the Lord.
And, I was being moved toward this door.
And, I went through that door.
Into a void.
I mean, a vortex.
And, around.
It was a tunnel spinning.
Just roaring and roaring.
And, spinning.
And, spinning.
And it smelled horrible.
You could hear screeches and noises.
The next thing I remember the most was slurping noises.
And, screams.
And, I could feel heat.
Really, hot heat.
The next thing.
I was falling through the sky.
It looked like sky.
And, I hit the ground.
And, I kind of hurt.
I stood up.
I looked around.
And, said, 'Where am I?'
All these people ran out.
And, some of them looked like people that were dead that I knew.
And, other people I knew, that were not dead.
And, they come around me.
Slapping me on the back.
They got there awfully quick.
Because, the house looked far away.
But, all of sudden, they were there.
Slapping me on the back.
Welcoming me there.
But, something just wasn’t quite right with them.
Because, they looked weird.
They had yellow glints in their eye.
Their eyes were almost reptile like.
And, I looked over.
And, saw what looked like my best friend.
Turn into somebody else.
And, I said, 'Hey, wait a minute.
You can’t do that.'
And, he said, ‘You’re not who you say you are.
Who are you?’
And, then, all of a sudden, I looked around.
And, all these things.
All these people around me are not people.
Begin to morph into what they were.
They were the ugliest creatures I’ve ever seen.
I was like, some of them were God awful.
Like rotting vegetables.
And, distorted and twisted.
They were not perfect by no means.
And, just filthy, smelly creatures.
And, they are just starting to come at me.
Like, they want to shred me to pieces.
And, they tried to grab me right across my chest.
And, one tried to grab my leg.
And, they’re trying to tear me to pieces.
And, I backed away.
And, this one that looked like my best friend, earlier.
Who morphed into different people.
Came up to me.
And, was about 4’-8”.
Looked, like, sort of a half dinosaur.
A reptilian-type creature.
And, it was hissing and spitting at me.
And, was speaking in a language that I couldn’t.
I didn’t know what it was saying, at first.
It was broken English.
It was telling me, ‘Come.
Follow it.
Follow it.
Follow it.’
So, he motioned to me.
And, we took a few steps.
And, all of a sudden, we’re at the end of the horizon.
And, I know, that didn’t make any sense.
But, we came across to what looked like the end of the horizon.
And, couldn’t go any further.
And, I couldn’t understand what it was.
And, yet, I could look out.
And, I could see all the vast fields and mountains.
And, then, he stuck.
That creature stuck its hand into the horizon.
And, ripped it open.
Like, a veil.
And, stepped out of it onto this road.
And, he’s telling me to come.
He’s motioning me to come.
So, I did the same.
I just went ahead and got up.
And, the next thing I knew.
I’m on a large.
Flat road.
I just came out of a cell.
A cube.
It was a 10 x 10 foot square.
It could have been 14 x 14.
That’s what the dimensions were.
And, there was a cell next to it.
Next to it.
And, there were cells above it.
Kind of set back.
So, they’re going up.
And, there were six of them to the roof of this place.
And, in the walls, are invetted peoples in cells.
And, he pointed to another cube.
And, in this cube, I look.
And, people inside this cube.
Some were vacant.
And, some people were waiting for people to arrive, like I did.
And, I’m looking at them.
And, they show me another person.
Another person.
Each person, that was in their cube, was like, they were reliving parts of their life, all over again.
But, then, not in a very pleasant way.
It’s like a living nightmare.
And, as we were walking along.
I realize that Hell is just an enormous.
Big place.
And, there’s many other parts to Hell that I did not see.
I just saw this place called, The Pit.
And, this fellow says, ‘It’s been granted to me.
Follow me, out, to the middle of the road.’
So, we walk out in the middle of the road.
And, all these demons and creatures are running around.
Assaulting people.
In various stages of torment.
And, some of these demon creatures, inside the cubes, were going in at will.
And, they’ll be attacking people in various ways.
But, to the people that didn’t like other people.
Or, unkind in their lives.
Identifying demons.
Whatever their worse nightmare was.
Was, basically, what they were living.
We walked along to another cube and looked inside.
Another individual, fellow, was there.
And, it reminded me of an old sailing ship.
And, this guy used to be a captain of the ship.
And, he was being flogged.
For the things he did on this old sailing ship.
And, he did it for pleasure to these people.
Because, it was his ship.
And, he liked to be mean to his crew.
And, now, it was being meted back to him.
And, I noticed this being.
This creature looking at me.
He was in a cube at first.
And, the person, who was looking at this particular creature, is one of those tall creatures with the round faces.
That were kind of round.
But, beautiful purplish color.
A beautiful creature.
But, hideous at the same time.
And, his face was revolving around.
Very seductive.
Very flattering.
Very persuasive.
It would try to plant thoughts in your mind.
Trying to tell you.
Why would such a good God allow people to suffer like this.
It was trying to get me to curse God.
I really don’t know who the demon creature was.
I knew it had great power and authority.
It either was the second in command.
Or, it could have been Satan, himself.
There was one vortex.
Was streaming.
A lady that had just died in a car wreck came through.
And, she was deposited right there.
And, I saw how she arrived.
And, inside her cube.
She saw it as an illusion of her grandmother’s farm.
Grandparent’s farm that she loved so well.
As when, she was growing up.
And, her grandmother recently had passed away, too.
So, she got in this cube.
And, immediately, she thought she was in Heaven.
Because, there was her grandmother.
Waiting there.
Welcoming her.
The grandmother, that was actually a demon.
That gave the illusion of being the grandmother, said, ‘Dear, Pudding.
You made it to Heaven.
I’m so glad you’re here.’
She really thought that she was in Paradise.
But, there was a darker side to her.
She would make her children be what she wanted.
Her children wanted something else.
She wanted them to be this.
And, if they didn’t do it her way.
It was the fist.
It was verbal abuse.
It was cutting down.
As she sat down, I was watching it.
And, trees.
Limbs just grabbed her.
And, then, she realized.
She was not in Paradise.
And, as we passed some cubes, there were people inside.
And, they were trapped in flames.
And, it was like their skin was still in tact.
But, they were burning.
And, there was an individual who was playing pool.
And, this guy was a child serial killer.
But, he lived in the 1940’s.
And, he was in this pool hall.
Playing this pool before the punishments would commence again.
And, he thought he had a break.
And, there were these people, there, would torment him.
And, come.
And, run.
And, just grab him.
And, tear him up.
And, out of the sky.
I could see this big demon coming down.
It reminded me of a snake.
It just gobbled him.
And, swallowed him.
And, all these other little demons came up and said, ‘That’s no fair.
We didn’t have our chance with him yet.’
He regurgitated him back up.
And, he was whole.
I know it sounds really bizarre.
But, that’s what happened.
Then, all the other little demons.
Little, teeny things about a foot to three feet tall.
Just jumped on him.
And, he was powerless.
And, they were beating.
And clawing.
And, there was no rest for this guy.
After that.
It was constant torment.
Everything that you’ve ever done is being justly put back.
I came to a cube.
I was looking.
It was a woman.
She was dressed in fine garb.
She was a temple prostitute.
Basically, what it was.
And, she was someone who died in Corinth around 69 A.D.
For a price, she would have a newborn son.
For somebody in their religion.
For some strange thing.
To have a newborn son.
To offer it to a statue.
And, this flame went over the statue.
Put the baby on the statue.
And, basically, the baby would be cooked.
And, here, she is in this temple.
There’s no let up to her torment.
It was almost, like, all the little babies that she burned.
That were hers.
And, other peoples.
Were tormenting her.
And pouncing.
On her.
Just crawling.
And, tearing her up.
And, she just screamed.
And, I had to turn away.
And, walk.
There was a individual that she practiced black, dark craft.
She was a witch.
I just knew that she was a witch.
But, she died, many, many, many hundreds of years ago.
But, she was trapped in a coffin.
Trying to get out.
She couldn’t get out.
She was in that position.
For years and years.
Hundreds of years.
And, then, finally, when she got it open.
All the demons would pounce on her.
I walked off to another cube.
And, looked in this other cube, on this row.
And, there was another lady.
And, she believed that Mother Earth could save her.
And, that, if she honored the trees and the rocks.
And, she was into this nature thing.
And, part of their religious practice, that she would practice, would be getting out in the field and dance around a fire, with a bunch of people, doing the same.
But, the people that she thought she was with, were actually demons.
And, they would come up to her and say, ‘You did this?’
And, they’d pick up a stone.
‘You think the stone will save you?
And they smacked her with it.
So, she was standing there.
And, the demons reached down there.
And, reached in her mouth.
Ripped out her tongue.
And, part of her face.
Said, ‘You talk bad?
No, the stone’s not gonna save you.
Nobody can save you.’
Then, they ripped off, actually, took her skin.
And, just peeled it off.
It was really slow.
And, agonizing.
They shred it to nothing, but the skeleton.
Then, they took the bones.
And broke the bones.
And, she felt everything.
Then, her body would come back together.
The flesh would come back together.
And, she would be whole again.
And, it would start all over again.
A different scene would happen.
Now, some of the cruelest people on earth were in these.
You know, some people.
I don’t like to say names of people.
Or, anything like that.
But, I will.
This one particular individual is definitely there.
And, everybody knows who it is.
It’s Adolf Hitler.
Hitler was sitting in a cube.
The cube is open.
And, it was just burning flames.
He was sitting there.
And, his flesh wasn’t burning.
And, he had this hideous look on his face.
And, as he’s burning.
The flesh would be rotting.
And, he’s feeling every bit of it.
It was almost, like, every oven of the concentration camp.
All the tortures that were going on there.
Were being meted back to him.
In one, intense flame that bit him.
Stoked up.
White hot flame.
That would rot away his flesh at the same time.
Make him ash.
Come back.
He was just being tormented like that.
He was just.
I remember how he’d have a weird look in his eyes.
That was just angry.
Vicious anger.
When we were walking.
Another segment of Hell.
Your back recesses of the wall.
Another segment of the deep, dark pit.
And, we’re coming to this one pit.
That was one place.
And, this cube was open.
And, inside there, this demon was trying to get me to go inside this cube.
And, what looked like a dentist chair.
I’m not afraid of dentists at all.
But, this thing was, like, a dentist’s chair to me.
With all these hideous creatures in there.
Trying to say, ‘This is where you are going.’
And, they want you in this cube.
And, they’re trying to get me in there.
And, I didn’t want to go.
And, this part is very hard for me.
'Cause, you got to understand.
You are so scared.
This whole time you’re there.
You’re just saying, 'Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.'
By that time, I was probably saying Jesus Christ so fast.
'Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,' so fast.
That it was a blur.
That’s all I can say.
And, they wanted me in this cube.
And, I was scared.
I didn’t want to go in this thing.
And, like, I said, throughout the whole time, you call it connection.
But, somebody from above.
The Lord.
And, all of a sudden I could feel something coming towards you.
I’m so petrified.
I couldn’t distinguish what it was.
You could feel the footsteps walking behind you.
And, the ground.
And, the thunder.
And, as it was closer.
Where it was, walking behind me.
I was too scared to turn away and see who it was.
Because, I didn’t want these things to rush me.
And, grab me.
And, all of a sudden, they start coming toward me.
And, then, when the presence got right behind me.
And, then, they all scattered.
And, that purplish.
Demonic creature.
The lethal creature.
Kind of, backed.
Sliding away.
Kind of, bowed.
And, kind of, walked out.
Just, kind of, slithered out.
Into the mist.
Into the darkness.
Of Hell.
It was Jesus.
And, He was picking me up.
This part, I remember so clearly.
He just picked me up.
And, His palms.
I could see where they crucified Him.
His bones were pulled apart.
And, He carried me.
And, I kind of floated through the air.
And, went through the center of the bottomless pit.
I went straight up.
I remember bits and pieces.
Of being taken to a hospital.
And, waking up in a hospital room.
And, nurses poking me.
And, then, I woke up.
Grabbed the doctor.
And, said, ‘I’m not in a cube, am I?
I better not be in a cube.’
The doctor said, ‘No.
You’re in a hospital.’
And, I was no longer an atheist.
There is a God.
There is a Heaven.
And, there is a Hell."